March 13, 2023 Meeting

Quorum starting, finishing
Meeting Timings starting, finishing
Called to order at


Adjourned at


Attendance here, there, dunno
Reports read and approved?
Previous minutes


Old Business things from before

Training - Chief noted there is now a whiteboard outside the chief's office to request specific things for training. Chief also passed around the calendar for training events based off the St. George academy.

Easter Egg Hunt - At the fire house at 1:15 PM on April 9. We need someone to drive the Bunny to Fellin (Ladder or Engine) and then back. Tom Tyler offered to drive and Max Austin offered to ride with Tom.

Street Cleaning - April 29. Chief will set a final time closer to the date but it would be around 10:30-11:00PM and should run until about 2:00-3:00AM.

CPR Classes - Thursday, April 20 and Friday, April 22 will be the class offerings. As soon as we have the final times from Ruth at EMS, the department will be alerted.

New Business things coming

March Training - On Saturday, March 18, a helicopter training is being run. No time is set yet (weather dependent). Members were instructed to alert chief if they are interested in attending. Bumper Williams suggested, if members have time, that we run som pump training after the helicopter training on Saturday.

Events - On April 22, Tom Tyler is putting together an all-county fire fighter lasagna dinner for Ouray, Log Hill, and Ridgway. Email invites will go out to active members only (no retirees) and their spouse/significant other (no children). The event will start at 5:00 PM (drinks and social hour) followed by dinner. Because we would have three social events this year, a motion was made to pay for this event out of special funds. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

On May XX, we will hold the annual banquet. Discussions ensued as to the location with Brickhouse leading at the start. Chief will first coordinate with the owners of the Brickhouse and return to the department with details and a decision to make in April.

SCBAs - Bumper Williams noted that all SCBAs were recalibrated. He requested no SCBA batteries be touched/replaced (unless there is a call, of course). He is monitoring the batteries for the month to better know their discharge rate, etc. After the April meeting, Bumper noted that we'll go back to the previous/usual approach to rotating them on a schedule.

Communications with Chief - Chief requested that all members use his email address for communications so that he can better manage and track emails, etc.

Elections - all electable officers are up this year (chief, assistant chief, secretary and treasurer). All terms are 1 year, except for Chief (2 years). We also need to elect a new Pension Board member to a 3 year term. Tom Fedel volunteered to run as Secretary. Kyle Easley offered to run for Treasurer. Steve Marines offered to run as our new Pension Board member. A motion was made to accept the candidates for Secretary, Treasurer and Pension Board members. The motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously. Adam Kunz and Bumper Williams were nominated as Chief and Assistant Chief respectively. The motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously.